Looking for a reliable career? Follow Brian's story about becoming an apprentice farrier.

Brian spent some time riding out but decided it wasn’t for him, he felt he needed amore reliable and consistent career which led him to become a farrier. He is currently completing his apprenticeship under master farrier Brian Horohoe in Longford. Like the other apprentices, Brian is strongly considering working abroad when he graduates, and at the moment America and Dubai are on the top of his list. Brian is thoroughly enjoying the course and he explained why, saying: “It has a very good balance and it is very relatable. Everything you learn you can relate to a problem or situation.” “It’s easy when you enjoy it,” he added. The relationship between the instructors and the apprentices is very important and is something which Brian noted as one of the best aspects of the course.“ All of the instructors are very understanding, they’ll work with you on what you’re not good at.” The willingness from the instructors and the ability to give each apprentice the time they need is something which sets the school apart. Brian also noted how every aspect of being a farrier is addressed in the course. He feels that being a farrier is about 55% communications and 45%farrier work. He also noted the importance of showing horses and owners respect and appreciation.

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